Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do to enroll in ENERGY 203A (fall seminar)?
ENERGY 203A is open enrollment through Axess, no application required!
I'm a MBA1 student and am not permitted to enroll in non-GSB courses this fall. How can I still get involved with the ENERGY 203A fall seminar?
MBA1 students are welcome to audit the fall seminar. Auditing the fall seminar will not be reflected on any Stanford transcripts nor will auditing count towards students' unit count for tuition purposes; however, students will be able to attend weekly lectures and engage with the SCV teaching team.
How can I get involved with ENERGY 203 (Stanford Climate Ventures)?
Students are welcome to either apply to lead a team, or join a team that has already formed. More information about both options is below.
How do I apply to lead a team in Stanford Climate Ventures?
A link to the spring 2023 application form is here. A SCV pitch event those interested will be hosted during week 8, please sign up here. Applications to bring a project to the spring 2023 course will be due by 11:59pm PT on Wednesday March 8th. Teams can expect to hear back about their acceptance status by Friday March 17th.
Do I need to have a team formed before applying to ENERGY 203?
Team leads applying alone will still be considered for the class, and have certainly been accepted in the past. That being said, we do encourage leads to be proactive and begin building their teams by the time of their application so they are ready to hit the ground running during week 1 of the following quarter if accepted.
How do I join a project team?
We host a SCV pitch event every fall and winter quarter for students to meet prospective team leads. This is a great chance to learn about topics that may be included in the upcoming quarter of SCV and we encourage students to reach out to team leads whose projects interest them most after the event to learn about next steps for joining that team.
Depending on the quarter, there may also be spots still open on project teams at the start of winter/spring quarter. We welcome students who have not yet joined a team to attend the week 1 lecture of winter/spring quarter to learn about any accepted teams which are still looking for new members.
What's the difference between enrolling in ENERGY 203 (Stanford Climate Ventures) for 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 units?
Expectations and workload associated with SCV are identical regardless of the number of units students enroll for. ENERGY 203 has a variable unit count primarily to make the course more accessible to students (especially graduate students) who may face strict unit count limitations.
I'm not a Stanford student. Can I still get involved with Stanford Climate Ventures?
ENERGY 203/A is strictly open to Stanford affiliates, including full-time undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral candidates. Current students enrolled full-time at other universities: please reach out to the course assistants (contact information below) if interested in potential opportunities for involvement.
Help, I have more questions!
Please check out our longer FAQ here and don't hesitate to directly contact the TAs Meghan ( and Patrick (